Thursday, May 10, 2007

Exam Preparation

It's bloody hot in here,almost like a furnace. Slept at 12AM but it was sweltering so couldn't help waking up at 3:30AM. Followed the next rationale thing that any self-respecting student would do 6hrs before exam. But after one-n-half hours and 7 fags couldn't take it any longer. Went out for a jog and had a bath, returning after 25min.

While jogging it was really refreshing(though the T was sticking to my back) to see the dawn gradually approaching. Wondered why don't I wake up early more often. Maybe 'coz it's a bit punishing to wake up by 6:30 when you go to bed at 4:0.

Feeling a bit better now. So sat down a little longer to prepare for the rendezvous. Am feeling extremely hungry but can't go for a bite now. So thought would be a good distraction to spend some time over here. It's time to wrap up, wishing me luck.


Gayathri said...

its not about the comments is it? was math?

Anonymous said...

You are a fag?

I mean even the fag that you are, 7 is a record dude. You should try the Guinness book of record. Also you should try for the time too. 7 in 1.5 hours is like man... you must be superman - in and out before he knows it.

Jaideep said...

@mordecai: When your sending me the Guinness form?

J said...

hey I have a video response to your malicious intentions of screwing around straight Singaporean men...